Thüringen-Park Erfurt Launches MYFAVORITO App for Exclusive Offers and Discounts. Discover Coupons, Loyalty Rewards, and More Directly on Your Smartphone!
The Thüringen-Park Erfurt is launching the MYFAVORITO app starting July 1. Interested individuals can now receive and redeem current news, coupons, or promotions directly on their smartphones from the Thüringen-Park. The pilot project will begin with over 25 stores from the center, which users can select in the app. When a user adds a store or the Thüringen-Park itself, they will receive real-time information via push notifications and will have all their coupons directly on their smartphone. Coupons from the current coupon booklet, which has been available since May 2, will also be posted in the app by participating stores. By showing the coupons in the store, users can redeem offers and enjoy various discounts. In addition to Thüringen-Park, many other regional businesses are also available to users in the app. McDonald's Erfurt, for example, has been using MYFAVORITO for over two years with vouchers, a loyalty system, and the scan+win giveaway.
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