Preston’s Coffee Shop owner Carla Preston is passionate about giving back to the community and recognised MyFavorito not only as an opportunity to do something great for local sports, but as a risk-free opportunity to drive more store visits and customer loyalty. Preston says “We jumped at the chance to partner with MyFavorito when we first heard about them. We pride ourselves on being very active in our community with many members from the local sports clubs being among our most loyal customers. So, being able to help them help their clubs was something not to be missed.”
As a fan-empowered sponsor of over 1200 football clubs across the country, Preston’s Coffee Shop is running three in-store promotions on MyFavorito:
- Spend £10 on any menu items at Preston’s and send £1 to the sports club of your choice.
- Spend £20 on any menu items at Preston’s and send £2 to the sports club of your choice.
- Spend £40 on any menu items at Preston’s and send £4 to the sports club of your choice.

MyFavorito is creating the ultimate playing field for sport. Fans are empowered to make a real difference. Brands build real love and get real returns. Clubs access a new infinite revenue source and create their own sustainable future.
MyFavorito Head of Client Success UK Joe Millett added “We are delighted to be working with Preston’s Coffee Shop as our first sponsor in the UK. They are the hub of a brilliant community and ingrained into all the local sports clubs and Carla instantly saw MyFavorito as a way to help give back to these clubs. They are an important first step for us in the UK and become a lighthouse for other local businesses to join our ever-growing community.”

MyFavorito’s fan-empowered sponsorship model is proven in Germany and Australia where the platform is live nationally with local and national brands. Over 1200 UK football clubs are already listed on the platform – these clubs are in a position to start making money and are available for selection by any fan or customer across the country — and that number is set to grow to include all sports clubs in the UK.
Preston’s Coffee Shop promotions are live on MyFavorito. Download the MyFavorito App for free today.
Clubs and brands can sign up today at and unlock their revenue potential or connect with Joe Millett ([email protected]) for more information.
About MyFavorito
MyFavorito is the digital, fan-empowered sports sponsorship platform that turns fan love into real money. With a radically different sponsorship model, MyFavorito build the ultimate playing field for sports. Fans decide and can generate real money for their favourite club. Brands activate and create real relationships with measurable results. Clubs win and generate a new and infinite source of revenue for a sustainable future — completely independent of matchday, stadium, and traditional sponsorship contracts and partnerships. MyFavorito not only helps sports clubs make more money but changes the game for millions of fans, businesses, and sports clubs around the world. We are flipping the old sponsorship model on its head and creating a world where everyone wins. It's Game On. It's For Love and Money. Brands, clubs, and fans can sign up for free at any time here and get started immediately.