Australian sports fans have said ‘Game on!’ and sent money to over 150 sports clubs, simply by watching videos and shopping with everyday brands!
In the Greater Geelong region, trailblazing local and national brands like Grill’d and Mate have already embraced fan-empowered sponsorship to support their local sports clubs while also generating more sales and building stronger relationships with customers. As a result, sports fans have sent money to over 150 different sports clubs in the region and beyond. MyFavorito has a further 30,000 Australian clubs listed on the platform in a position to start making money.

Fans decide. Brands activate. Clubs win.
Right now, fans can watch a Bulla Murray St video and MATE video featuring Sam Kerr and get $1 for a sports club of their choice. Download the app and support your favourite sports club today!
Clubs and brands can sign up to the MyFavorito platform for free today at and unlock their revenue potential or connect with Mark Hinshelwood ([email protected]) for more information.
About MyFavorito
MyFavorito is the digital, fan-empowered sports sponsorship platform that turns fan love into real money. With a radically different sponsorship model, MyFavorito build the ultimate playing field for sports. Fans decide and can generate real money for their favourite club. Brands activate and create real relationships with measurable results. Clubs win and generate a new and infinite source of revenue for a sustainable future — completely independent of matchday, stadium, and traditional sponsorship contracts and partnerships. MyFavorito not only helps sports clubs make more money but changes the game for millions of fans, businesses, and sports clubs around the world. We are flipping the old sponsorship model on its head and creating a world where everyone wins. It's Game On. It's For Love and Money. Brands, clubs, and fans can sign up for free at any time here and get started immediately.