Here is what TechCrunch wrote about MyFavorito: "Turning to the Techstars SportsTech Melbourne accelerator, what sort of startups were on offer during its demo day? A varied group, happily. Some wanted to help us get better at our favorite activity (A-Champs), or focus on our mental well-being (Arete) or cognitive ability (gameSense Sports). However, my favorite from the group was MyFavorito, which wants to let smaller sports franchises earn money from major brands.
Per its demo, when a fan of a club — no matter its size! — buys a product from a major brand that works with MyFavorito, they can select their favored team, granting it a small cut of the sale. This is somewhat brilliant as MyFavorito can act as an aggregator for both brands and teams. And there are lots of fans of smaller teams out there. My local football club is testament to this."